In my newsletter there is a button with a question and an opportunity to respond personally. These answers will be available collectively and will be another source of serendipity and inspiration. But, still what is the purpose of this? This has made me think about causal loops.

  • Right now there is a line going from me to everyone that reads the newsletter.

  • I want to create a loop that connects readers of the newsletter back to me. This is what the question do.

  • Next, I want to create fractal loops external to me, between people who are also interested in these topics. This is what happens when we present the responses, (they are anonymous), and in other ways we have not yet identifieed.

You will notice that these loops are small, the have two nodes. Me and You, or You and Me, or You and You. I have discovered that my favorite mode of interaction is with 1 other person or with 3 other people. I am playing with these topologies in other ways.

  • Now there is hub of all my work.

  • I’ve started having one-on-one dialogues about topics of mutual interest. Please sign up.

  • I’m running build together sessions, to pair program with one other person on a project of your choice. If you don’t have something in mind, we can work on one of my passion projects. For example, a game in pygame called Corona Quest inspired by Plague Pod 41.

  • Through connecting with people from the 1:1 and newsletter questions, we can four person conversations (quads) with or without me to create new fractal loops.


The Dialogues


Newsletter Question Archives